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One of the most popular photos of Lleida is the one which traces the Seu Vella’s silhouette behind a field of flowering lavender in the foreground. Aromas de Can Rosselló is a pioneering lavender plantation in the lands of Lleida, and unique in Horta de Lleida. It was born almost eight years ago, as a family initiative of farmers from Horta de Lleida, Núria, Mònica and Francesc.

They offer a wide range of products natural cosmetic and wellness products, such as soap and essential oil, distilled naturally through the steam technique. In addition, they organize cultural, gastronomic and recreational activities open to everyone.

They offer a range of products ranging from air fresheners and natural cosmetics such as soap and lavender essential oils, naturally distilled through the steam technique, to craft lavender beer. In addition, they organize cultural, gastronomic and recreational activities open to everyone.

In the estate, we can see the mural "El Pont del Boc de Biterna", inaugurated in 2021, and related to the festival and representation of the Witches of Pont del Boc which talks about the old history of the accusation of witchcraft of a group of women who practiced natural medicine. The Pont del Boc de Biterna, near Aromes de Can Rosselló, dates from the s. XVI. 

  • They visit during the lavender flowering season (20 days in June).
  • Saturdays and Sundays in the morning (11 a.m.), and in the afternoon (7pm).
  • Groups of 20-25 people.
  • They rent the space for events, wine tastings, workshops, dinners, among others.
  • Reservations by phone or on the web with the possibility of online payment.

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