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Lleida’s Roda Roda Museum is lo­cated in an old mechanical wor­ks­hop that has been res­to­red to res­pect the original struc­ture as clo­sely as pos­si­ble.

It houses a collection of vintage auto­mo­bi­les, mo­tor­bikes and en­gines, as well as a number of scale models that illustrate the history and de­ve­lo­p­ment of the automotive in­dus­try. A visit to the Roda Roda Museum will take you back in time and in­vi­te you to reflect on te­ch­no­lo­gical pro­gress and the social chan­ges it has broug­ht.

The items in the mu­seum co­llec­tion remind us of the fundamental need of human trans­port since time im­me­morial.

  • From Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Sundays and public holidays, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m
  • Monday closed
  • Christmas opening hours: closed on December 25, 26 and 31, 2023 and January 1 and 6, 2024. The rest of the days, regular opening hours.
  • Free entrance
  • No need to book in advance.
  • Virtual visit.
  • Possibility of guided tours for schoolchildren and adults.

Reservation / Purchase