City historic tour throug the city with a open-top-bus with audioguides explaining the most important places during its route.
Bus TurísticRuta histórica per la ciutat amb autobús d'una sola planta descoberta amb audioguia que explica els principals llocs d'interès per on passa
Panoramic tour:
Av. Blondel - Paeria
Av. Madrid
Av. Catalonia
Rambla d'Aragó - University
Av. Prat de la Riba – Ricard Vinyes
Sant Martí street – Mercat del Plan
Ronda la Seu Vella
Pallars street
Av. Prat de la Riba
Av. Mayor Rovira Roure
Great Walk of Ronda
Castle Templar of Gardeny
Street Alcalde Areny
Cappont - Bridge of l'Av. General Study
Street of Dra. Castles
Av. Garrigues – Champs Elysees
Rambla de Ferran
Paeria Palace
1st stop: Pont Vell / Paeria
2nd stop: Ricard Vinyes / Av. Prat de la Riba
3rd stop: Mercat del Pla / Seu Vella
4th stop: Castle Templar de Gardeny (with the tourist bus ticket free entry to Castle Templar of Gardeny)
1 hour
44 places
Price description:
€1.20 (or ATM cards). The ticket is paid when boarding the bus.
Audio guides: €0.50
Summer schedule (from 24th June to 11th September):