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Battle of flowers, the Giants of Lleida, Marraco, dances, fireworks, concerts... and much more!

The May Festival is celebrated in honor of Sant Anastasi, a Roman soldier,  who was born in Lleida (year 263) and martyred in Badalona by order of the Emperor Diocletian on May 11 year AD 303.

The festa major ends just as colourfully as it began: with a spec­ta­cular fireworks dis­play.


The wide range of po­pu­lar ac­ti­vities includes the spec­tacular floral offering to the patron by the authorities and citizens. Also stands out the battle of the flowers, both held on 11 May. It is a parade held on the Rambla de Ferran with many floats from which people throw confetti and streamers at the public.

Another attraction is the ubiquitous pre­sence of the emblematic dragon, Lo Marraco, and the oldest pair of giants in Catalonia, Marc An­tonio and Cleo­patra, which were made in 1840.

  • The Festa Major de Lleida 2023 was held from May 9th to 14th with more than 250 activities.
  • Most shows and concerts take place in outdoor spaces such as the Champs Elysees and Saint Joan Square.

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